Inwardout Studio
Building <&> Landscape Design

Thomas and Jade care deeply about the food they eat and where it comes from. Thomas is a chef at a leading hotel in Launceston. His approach to cooking celebrates seasonality and provenance, respecting the whole food journey and minimising waste. Thomas and Jade want to teach their young daughter about food and see her revel in the unique delight of home-grown produce. However, having relocated to a small town in rural Tasmania, they needed to find a way to grow their own fruit and vegetables whilst keeping the local wildlife out. Treated pine was a no-no for Thomas and Jade as they want their food to be chemical-free. We built them a produce enclosure using Macrocarpa posts as they possess natural resistance to weathering, and hardwood timber studs and sleepers. We enclosed the structure with galvanised aviary mesh (25mm x 25mm gauge) to keep larger ‘pests’ out whilst still allowing pollinators in.