We all like to think that we do not judge others. But sometimes, we have a very good reason to!
Recently I had the privilege of judging the i-Plants Magazine's #design contest. Many thanks to Kathy Fediw, one of the USA's most renowned interior plantscapers, for putting her faith in me.
The interior plantscape industry in the USA is larger than here in #Australia. As well as installing living #plants, many interior plantscapers in that country also essentially provide #interiordesign services. So as well as assessing #greenwalls and #indoorplants, I also had to score seasonal displays for Christmas. A very interesting experience!
The Grand Award went to GSky Plant System from Florida, USA, for their work on The Avenues Mall (Phase VI) in Kuwait. A huge project! Well done GSky :)

Click here to check out the winners. And you may just see a familiar face on page 15 ;)
It's back to work for me now.
A bientôt!