You may disagree with me on the correct way to say the plural of "terrariums". However, you will probably agree that these living gifts are "on trend" right now. One prototype terrarium is even linked to Smartphone technology. So what else is new with these miniature gardens?
To find out, read my latest article "Trendy terraria: A Wardian (case) in point", published in the August issue of Hort Journal. Click here to access the article, then skip to pages 26-27.

We have been a little quiet lately getting prepared for Blooming Tasmania's Flower & Garden Festival, which will be held on 22-23 September at Albert Hall. We will be exhibiting, promoting our garden design services. So if you are in Launceston at that time, come and check us out.
In the meantime, stay tuned for some photos of our display which is starting to evolve. We will share them with you over the next few days. And who knows we may even have a terrarium to add to it!
A bientôt!