Happy New Year everyone! You may be thinking we are a little slow off the mark in sending this message out. However, in France it is not uncommon for people to send New Year's greetings throughout the whole month of January ... or so Ludovic tells me.
Anyway, 'excuses' aside; we hope you have had a great start to 2019. Ludovic and I enjoyed some time away camping at the beautiful Narawntapu National Park and the serene Arthurs Lake in Tasmania's Central Highlands. Now we are back at our desks, refreshed and ready for action.
We have a variety of garden/horticultural work on the cards, but we always have room for more! Here is a taste of what we are currently doing:
Designing two residential gardens: one along the Tamar River in northern Tasmania, and the other on a rural residential block in a bush fire zone in Victoria
Writing articles on indoor plants and interior plantscaping for Hort Journal Australia
Freelance writing for the Nursery and Garden Industry Australia (NGIA)
Visiting the Tasmanian Garlic and Tomato Festival, 17 March
Planning to attend the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, 27-31 March
Thinking up new blog ideas!

In 2019, we plan to bring you much more plant information via this blog. So look out each week for an article focussed on one specific plant. I will include its origin, cultivation and maintenance notes, and ideas for its use in the landscape.
In the meantime, If you are thinking of installing a green wall indoors, read my article 'Green walls: Behind the Hype', published in the November 2018 edition of Hort Journal Australia.
Two leading green wall proponents in Australia share their knowledge: Erik C van Zuilekom (Fytogreen) and Dr Peter Irga (University of Technology Sydney).
To read the article online, click here and then navigate to pages 26-27. Happy reading!

I have an article for the Interior Plantscape Association e-newsletter calling for my attention tonight. So that is all for now folks.
A bientôt!